This daycare does not provide breakfast, but we will prepare food brought from home for breakfast. Breakfast WILL NOT be served after 8:00 AM for children age 1 year old and up –but- snack time begins at 8:30am and we will feed the child their breakfast at that time, while others are eating their morning snack.
All children are required to bring a lunch daily. (There is a charge per child per day of $5.00 if we must provide a forgotten lunch). Sandwiches, “Lunchables”, soup in a thermos, leftovers, are ideal meals, but to heat up lunches are impossible for children 2 years old.
Lunch Suggestions
Keep in mind that we DO NOT have refrigerator space to store lunch kits, lunch sacks, etc. when you prepare your child’s lunch for the day.
- Sandwiches: Peanut butter/jelly, cheese, etc. –OR- lunchables
- Soups, Ravioli, etc. can be heated and put into a thermos.
- Leftovers, chicken or pizza.
- Fruit & veggie pierces OR chunks of cheese, ham, bologna, and crackers.
- Hotdog wieners cut up and put in a thermos.
(in other words…NO Coke’s , NO Sprite, NO Dr. Pepper, etc.)
The daycare provides all morning and afternoon snacks and drinks. A snack menu is provided in the office on the bulletin board. Snacks vary from day to day and will consist of popcorn, ice cream, peanut butter crackers, cheese crackers, cupcakes, raisins, assorted cookies, etc. The children are welcome to eat any food left over in their lunch kits if they do not like what the daycare is serving. There is also a snack machine and a drink machine, but this is TOTALLY up to the parents.