Course Information

  • Class Staff: Michael Delehanty
  • Class Size: Small
  • Years old: 4 yrs - 6th grade
  • Class Duration: 4x a month

The Martial Arts Program exists to develop and strengthen groups of young people in self-discipline, self defense and defense of others, conflict resolution and physical fitness. Your child will learn various strategies to achieve these goals, based on Biblical principals. Training will include the following:

  • Evading, blocking, and breaking out of attacks
  • Taking a hit, falling, and regaining control
  • Communicating in an attempt to achieve peace
  • Having FUN while learning discipline

Our martial arts training style for our colored belts includes Muay Thai Kick-Boxing and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.


The Martial Arts Program seeks to fulfill its purpose because, we we can all agree, this world needs a generation of young people who can boldly stand up for what is right and lift up those around them to do the same.


  • 4th DEGREE BLACK BELT in a blend of Korean Tae-kwon-do, Aikido, and Jiu-Jitsu
  • Has >25 years of martial arts teaching experience
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Biblical Studies & Christian Leadership, and
  • Master’s Degree in Theology from Dallas Theological Seminary
  • Completed and won in Houston’s first 2005 Renegades Extreme Fighting competition


  • 4-5 year old classes are every TUESDAY, 4 times monthly
  • K-6th grade classes are every WEDNESDAY, 4 times monthly


  • $35 per child
  • Due by the 1st TUESDAY of each month
  • There is a $5 Late Fee for late payment, and dismissal from class for non-payment


  • Cash or Check, checks payable to MICHAEL DELEHANTY
  • Please feel free to contact me in the office or via email:

In order to keep small class sizes, LIMITED SPACE is available. Contact MELLISSA DELEHANTY to check availability or join waiting list.